Nicola Slattery RBA
Nicola Slattery RBA  

Recent paintings by the British artist Nicola Slattery RBA - an elected member of the Royal Society of British Artists.  


Title: 'Small Bird

acrylic painting on wood   

Images size: 20 x 20 cms £1500



Title: 'Lovers Eye

acrylic painting on wood   

Images size: 30 x 30 cms £2500



Title: 'Mere Wife

acrylic painting on wood   

Images size: 40 x 40 cms £3500



Title: 'Holding Steady'

acrylic painting on wood    

Image size 70 x 100 cms   £7950  available 

Recent paintings for sale can be bought directly from the artist unless they are with a gallery in which case the first approach should be to the gallery and they will be happy to handle the sale. Paintings are framed in a beautiful hand finished traditional style mounding and can be shipped to most places in the world and several have been sent to the USA, South Africa, Australia and many other countries without any problem. Prices are the same for work sold via a gallery or direct.


To enquire about purchasing any paintings for sale please call any day 9am - 9pm (UK time please). 


Telephone:  01986 788853  Studio visits always welcome - please phone to give a few hours notice. 

 or email your enquiry about paintings for sale by Nicola Slattery to:  


Please click on an image for title and details. All paintings are painted using fine quality acrylic paints on wood board with posterity in mind. All are professionally framed in hand finished quality frames. New images of paintings for sale are added regularly and usually appear first on Nicola Slattery's facebook page. To go straight to the facebook page please click on link at foot of page.


or email your enquiry to:   


Works can be sent by courier around the world and payment can be easily made using Paypal or bank card. 

Slide Show of Recent Paintings by Nicola Slattery RBA 

Please click or hover on an image for title and details.

Available work is listed first with sold works showing later. 

Examples of earlier work can be seen at: Earlier Paintings  

All paintings are painted using fine quality acrylic paints on wood panel board with posterity in mind. All are professionally bespoke framed.

New images are added regularly and usually appear first on Nicola Slattery's Facebook page. Please click on link below at the bottom of this page to go straight to the Facebook page. 'Like' or 'Follow' the Facebook page to see new work as it is posted.   

Click on an image in the thumb-nails above for details of title, availability, size and price.


All dimensions are of the image size. All are framed and prices include the frame. The overall framed size is usually around 16 or 18 cms extra to the Image Size - vertical and horizontal. If you would like to know more about any painting please do get in touch.   


To finalise your purchase  please call:  01986 788 853 or email: 

All paintings are sold framed and the price includes the frame. Each frame is individually handmade by framing specialists: Frinton Frames  


This image is of a typical frame chosen by Nicola Slattery to compliament her painting style. 


If you would prefer your painting in a different frame please get in touch to discuss your preferences.




Image: 'Planting the Amazon'   - sold - please see slide show above for full details.

MasterCard Visa American Express All credit cards PayPal Sterling cheque in advance
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Credit Card, Paypal, Sterling cheque in advance

If you enjoy the work please let your friends know.  

Please see Facebook and Twitter links below.    


All images and words on this website are protected by Copyright 

If you want to reproduce any images please first contact Nicola Slattery as she owns the copyright to all images of her work. Images can be freely used for purposes of review, education and non commercial use provided that the work is clearly acknowledged as being by Nicola Slattery. Images have been used in leaflets, and on web sites and there is usually no charge provided they are acknowledged clearly as by Nicola Slattery RBA and a link to, or details of this web site are clearly given. Images have been used in several books and on book covers. These are usually used free of charge where print runs are fairly small (ie under 500) but permission must be sought in advance and two copies of the finished book provided provided free of charge please to Nicola Slattery. For larger book runs or mass use of any images (ie more than 500) or any commercial reproduction use of images for profit, for example, greeting cards, T shirts, ties, furnishings etc. written agreement must be obtained in advance. 

If you enjoy the work please let your friends know on    Facebook and Twitter

Title: 'Durga'   acrylic painting on wood.

Durga is a major deity in Hinduism. She is known as a Mother Goddess; a Goddess of Preservation, and for Strength and Protection. Usually depicted with eight arms and weapons, in this painting she is imagined relaxing together with her companion.  


Image size 40 x 40 cms.  Available: £ 3500

Frame adds about 16 cms in each direction so the overall size is about 56 x 56 cms. 

For details of this and other available work - price, dimensions, etc, please see the slide show below and click onto the image of the painting you are interested in.  

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© Nicola Slattery RBA and Nicola Slattery Limited. All images of artwork and page content are protected by copyright.